Practise Practising (Euprint, Heverlee, 2023)
Learn to practise efficiently using 30 practice recipes, deliciously seasoned with tips, quotations, tasks and testimonials. Intended for everyone who is passionate about music. The how, the what and the why of practice. My absolute favourite!
The Finishing Touch to Practising (Moeck, Celle, 2016)
This book is about hands-on practising and how you can effectively structure your practice routine by constantly implementing diverse new approaches. This book can be your companion for lifelong music-making.
The Finishing Touch of Ensemble Playing (Recordia, Seoul, 2002, second print)
Making music with others is a wonderful activity but not an easy one. Making the playing enjoyable for every ensemble member is an art that demands dedication, insight, and, when available good instruction. This book aims to help recorder players become better ensemble members. I have written the book in response to numerous requests from amateurs and professionals to set some practical suggestions and fill a long-felt gap in the literature about our instrument. With a historical chapter by David Lasocki.
The Finishing Touch of Ensemble Playing (Alamire, Peer, 2000, first print)
Making music with others is a wonderful activity but not an easy one. Making the playing enjoyable for every ensemble member is an art that demands dedication, insight, and, when available good instruction. This book aims to help recorder players become better ensemble members. I have written the book in response to numerous requests from amateurs and professionals to set some practical suggestions and fill a long-felt gap in the literature about our instrument. With a historical chapter by David Lasocki.
Das Einmaleins des Ensemblespiels (Moeck, Celle, 2002)
Gemeinsames Musizieren ist eine wundervolle, aber gar nicht leichte Sache. Wenn alle Mitglieder des Ensembles Freude daran haben wollen, brauchen sie Engagement, Ausdauer, Sachverstand und nach Möglichkeit gute Anleitung. Mit diesem Buch möchte ich Blockflötisten helfen, bessere Ensemblespieler zu werden; zugleich möchte ich zahlreichen Anfragen sowohl von Amateuren als auch von Berufsmusikern nachkommen und praktische Vorschläge machen. Gleichzeitig soll in der Literatur über die Blockflöte eine Lücke geschlossen werden, die sich schon lange störend bemerkbar macht.
Das Einmaleins des Übens (Moeck, Celle, 2016)
In diesem Buch geht es um das praktische Üben, und wie man es mit immer wieder neuen Ansätzen abwechslungsreich und dabei effektiv gestalten kann. Dieses Buch kann Ihr Begleiter für ein langes musikalisches Leben sein.
Oefen het oefenen (Euprint, Heverlee, 2022)
Kwaliteitsvol oefenen aan de hand van 30 oefenrecepten, lekker gekruid met tips, citaten, opdrachten en getuigenissen. Bedoeld voor elkeen die in muziek zijn passie vindt. Het hoe, wat en waarom van het oefenen.
De Blokfluitmuziek van Frans Geysen (Mieroprint, Münster, 2010)
Bespreking van Geysens blokfluitwerken. Resultaten van mijn onderzoek aan LUCA School of Arts (2006-2010). Dit boek creëert talrijke invalshoeken en ideeën die representatief zijn voor een stijlgetrouwe vertolking van een hedendaags repetitief werk.
The Happy Recorder Player by Marcel De Backer (Heinrichshofen, Wilhelmshafen, 2007)
Eight attractive, captivating and simple pieces for soprano recorder and piano of the Belgian composer Marcel De Backer (1924-2006). The motivation tool to play the recorder in the first years. (Level of difficulty: easy)
Concerto in G major by Antonio Vivaldi for recorder quartet (SSAB) (de Haske, Heerenveen, 2011)
The Baroque period was the heyday of the solo recorder. This lesser-known concerto in G major, Alla Rustica, is a brilliant, inventive, clearly structured, vibrant, virtuosic, tuneful composition. A joy to play. (Level of difficulty: easy to average)
Four Flemish dances by Tielman Susato for recorder quartet (SATB) (de Haske, Heerenveen, 2011)
The 16th century was the golden age of the recorder ensemble. This edition comprises a unique suite of dances to drive away sadness and melancholy, as Susato put it beautifully. (Level of difficulty: easy)
Easy Tunes for recorder (de Haske, Heerenveen, 2006)
With Easy tunes for recorder, you can start from scratch! By the end of the book, you will be surprised at already being able to play more than eight notes. Each tune in this book features a musical challenge. Well-known and new melodies take you along in a playful way. When you hear this music, you will be tempted to grab your recorder immediately! (Level of difficulty: easy)
3 Chorale Preludes and Chorales for recorder orchestra by Johann Sebastian Bach (Moeck, Celle, 2013)
The (figured) chorals in this volume are brilliant and expressive miniatures. Bach, a great architect, can express different moods with good musical imagination. The chorals are consummate and so rich as organ works that the combination of players has a subordinate role. And what is more, in the version for recorder quartet or choir, they develop a unique appeal. The wonderful melodies and the many small themes full of joy and sadness come into their own. What strength of expression! (Level of difficulty: average)
Little Festival for eight recorder players by Fumiharu Yoshimine (Music Garden, Taichung, 2015)
The perfect competition/concert piece for recorder orchestra by the Japanese recorder player and composer Yoshimine. What strikes me most is the magnificent perfection in balance and intensity. Yoshimine’s music evokes a mysterious power based on ingredients such as powerful rhythms, lovely Japanese folk melodies, contrasting parts and the possibility to improvise. (Level of difficulty: average)
Hungarian Dance nr. 4 for recorder orchestra by Johannes Brahms (Music Garden, Taichung, 2015)
The most touching Hungarian Dance is based on the rich sound of many low recorders. Number four is a fascinating, precious jewel of captivating music that has entranced listeners for decades. John Keats (1795-1821) would have confirmed this exquisiteness with “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”. I cherish this poignant and ecstatic composition. Every time I listen, I detect new mysterious elements. (Level of difficulty: average)
Hungarian Dance nr. 5 for recorder orchestra by Johannes Brahms (Moeck, Celle, 2015)
The most known Hungarian Dance. Charlie Chaplin used the Fifth Hungarian Dance in his film The Great Dictator, in a scene where he is a barber, cutting a customer’s hair and shaving him all to the rhythm of the music; well worth watching. Johannes Brahms’ music should be an integral part of the repertoire of every recorder orchestra. The dances are catchy tunes with their exuberant melodies and surprising twists and turns, which really get to you. (Level of difficulty: average)
Passacaglia in c minor (BWV 582) for recorder quartet by Johann Sebastian Bach (Walhall, Magdeburg, 2016)
This music of a 25-year-old J.S. Bach makes me weep. If I felt a bit down in my mouth, I would listen to this performance to make me happy. I would play/study this composition to feel sad if I were happy. Whenever I hear this composition, I am always in a dialogue with my thoughts. It leaves me empty and full at the same time. The magic power of fabulous music! (Level of difficulty: high)
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Sing unto the Lord a new song) (BWV 225) in an arrangement for recorder orchestra by Johann Sebastian Bach (Moeck, Celle, 2018)
I consider my arrangement of Bach’s motet for recorder orchestra to be the most successful I have achieved. It reflects my conception of sound entirely: no shrill sopraninos and piercing soprano recorders but leading expressive alto recorders, a vivid sonorous middle line with tenor and bass recorders and a prominent bass group with great bass recorders. I specifically wrote the sub-bass line as the element linking the two choirs. Enjoy this wonderful music. (Level of difficulty: high)
Christmas songs such as Jingle Bells, Let it Snow!, When a Child is Born, Deck the Hall, O Christmas Tree in a spicy arrangement for SATB
Five popular Christmas songs in a splendid arrangement for SATB: Away in a Manger, Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen, In dulci jubilo, Still, Still, Still and Silent Night.
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